How does email blacklisting work - DNSBL

DNSBLs serve as pivotal tools in the ceaseless fight against spam and cyber threats. They maintain inbox hygiene, shielding users from phishing attempts, fraudulent schemes, and concealed malware buried in catchy subject lines.

What is it?

Think of DNSBL as a virtual bouncer for your inbox, filtering out undesirable party crashers – in this case, spam emails and malicious senders. It functions as a list of domain names or IP addresses linked to sources of spam and cyber threats. Before allowing entry, email servers consult DNSBLs, ensuring only legitimate emails find their way into your inbox.

How are malicious senders identified?

DNSBLs employ an array of spam traps, honeypots, and user feedback to pinpoint malevolent senders. These sources gather data about domain names and IP addresses associated with suspicious activities.

How to query if IP is listed in one of the DNSBLs?

dig +short -t A <IP_Address>

where <IP_Address> is reverted (instead of it's If the response is non-empty, the IP is listed, indicating potential blacklisting.

Beware the False Positives

While DNSBLs play the hero's role in vanquishing spam, they can sometimes overshoot their mark. Legitimate senders may inadvertently land on the blacklist due to technical glitches or misconfigurations.

If you'd like a GO module to use in your program check this project out

GitHub - mailio/go-dnsbl-blacklist-checker: DNSBL Blacklist checker for GO
DNSBL Blacklist checker for GO. Contribute to mailio/go-dnsbl-blacklist-checker development by creating an account on GitHub.